Nitrous oxide has proven to be a safe method of treating anxious patients. The use of nitrous oxide produces a mild intoxication and has no negative side effects.

Before treatment

Before dental treatment is started, the plan for this treatment will be discussed with you. The medical, emotional and dental sides will be explained to you as best as possible.
You will have every opportunity to bring in and discuss your questions and ideas. If, during this discussion, it is decided to have treatment with laughing gas sedation, the whole procedure will first be explained to you. Beforehand, you should discuss with the dentist any medication you may be taking.
When you come for the treatment with lachgassedation, you should not eat too much in the hours before. A light breakfast or lunch is allowed.

The administration

Treatment begins with fitting the nasal mask, which is used to administer nitrous oxide and oxygen. The nasal mask is connected through three hoses to a mixing device specially designed for this treatment. Using this mixing device, the oxygen and nitrous oxide can be mixed in any desired ratio. The maximum amount of nitrous oxide in the mixture is 50% and the oxygen is therefore at least 50%. By comparison, the air we breathe contains over 20% oxygen. The ratio of nitrous oxide to oxygen as well as the total amount of the mixture can easily be tailored to the individual needs of each patient. The introduction starts with pure oxygen, then step by step the nitrous oxide is added and increased. Until the moment you feel comfortable and relaxed.
At this optimal concentration of nitrous oxide, which averages 30-35%, the treatment takes place.


The dental treatment proceeds as normal. This means that, in most cases, the local anesthetic will simply remain necessary as well. Only, you find it all much less bad and less annoying, you can relax better. It is very important for the success of the sedation, and thus the treatment, that you continuously inhale and exhale through your nose. If you do not do this, the effect of the nitrous oxide reduces significantly, or even stops altogether. This also means, for example, that you should not talk during the laughing gas sedation. Therefore, to prevent the nitrous oxide from entering the dentist’s treatment room, you will also need to exhale only through your nose. Through the exhalation tube and the suction tube, the unused nitrous oxide will then be sucked out. If your nose is blocked by a cold, you cannot be treated “under nitrous oxide.” You will then have to cancel your treatment in time.

The feeling

The first feeling can be a bit uncomfortable and strange, but after a few minutes it turns into a pleasant, warm, relaxed and floaty feeling. Some people compare the feeling to a pleasant way of being a little drunk: a pleasant languid feeling and a little absentminded. It also sometimes happens, that someone continues to find it an unpleasant feeling.
In consultation with the dentist, a careful repetition of the introduction at another time (when you are a little less tense, for example) or an alternative treatment approach will then be chosen. Nitrous oxide used in this way (low concentrations and short treatments of usually no longer than an hour) is harmless to health.
However, it is advised not to use nitrous oxide during the first three months of pregnancy (as in fact the use of medications and, for example, alcohol and cigarettes).

After treatment

Laughter gas sedation is concluded by inhaling pure oxygen for about five minutes. A great advantage of laughing gas sedation is that when the inhalation of nitrous oxide is stopped, its effect ends after 5-10 minutes and in almost all cases there are no after-effects. To be absolutely sure, it is advised not to participate in traffic for the first half hour and to remain extra careful and concentrated after that.


General mood video

Animation video for children

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We would be happy to tell you more about this treatment and schedule an appointment for you.